Details propisyvayutsya coarse abrasive for defects, then the shrinkage risks under the ground, and then we unchanged to my favorite PPG to the ground. Repeatedly convinced of the reliability of that ground, tried several times to go into different types of soils, and German and Japanese. But always returned to the pet PPG.
Always try to work the soil in the tone of the body, for this brand is PPG koliousis the ground, which can be given any tone. But then he's not needed, as the tone of the primer matches the tone of the car body. Now about the exhaust system. Of course the exhaust system, or rather its rear part, too, has undergone changes) as the cover plate under the bumper and the holes for the exhaust are not small. Rear factory banks had been removed, and instead, was installed a custom nozzle in the style of the BORLA ATTAK. At low revs the car appeared nice bassy sound that disappears on the track.