Lightweight hood for Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 120 Series

Races I went to the topic of hoods, provide you start work on prototyping bonnet for Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 120 Series. This is not the most conspicuous, but one of the most reliable SUVs, will get a light hood with a new design.

The installation process

The first stage
Races I went to the topic of hoods, I present to you the beginning of work on the modeling of bonnet for Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 120 Series. In the near future, this is not the most conspicuous, but one of the most reliable SUVs, will get a light hood with a new design. Will form in 2 versions, so in the following entries on the hood for Land Cruiser Prado 120 you have to choose more suitable ones.
The second stage
Work on the modeling of bonnet for Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 120 Series completed. The question was about the presence of the hump in the center, or to leave only raised sides. Think it's a completed layout. The hood is not super fancy, but he had a small muscles and your character which will not interfere with the overall style of the car, and even have by the way! Now working on the intermediate matrix, and will soon show you the hood in the same tone, that was clear to the General form.
The third stage
All shapes and lines are summed up, slightly modified design in the course of creation, and the hood of these changes is very handy. Is gone emptiness in the center and the hood is more stylish, so that Prado pleased with it transformed. Later will show you primed the master model.